Family discussion while looking at laptop

Make a Plan

Knowing what to do, where you will go, and how to get in touch with family in an emergency  is important.

Emergency kit items such as first aid kit, water, flashlight and batteries

Build a Kit

In an emergency, there are items your family will need, such as a flashlight, radio, and first aid kit.

Remote Control and TV News on in background

Be Aware

Learn about the hazards in your community and pay attention to current weather and road conditions.

Person with gun approaching city building

Community Security

Violent incidents can happen anywhere and at any time, even in our own communities.

Father talking to son while drawing at the table with the mother and sister

Prepare Kids

Getting kids involved early will help alleviate their fears and prepare them to act in an emergency.

Man posing with dog by holding up his ears

Prepare Pets

Before disaster strikes, make sure your furry friends are part of your family emergency plan.

Kids running down school hallway

Prepare Schools

School districts are responsible for not only the education of their students, but also their safety.

Woman on the phone with 911 with ambulance arriving

Know Your 911

If you have an immediate need for police, fire or emergency medical services, then it’s time to dial 911.