In an emergency, there are items you and your family will need. Your emergency supply kit should have everything you need to sustain you and your family for 3-5 days. Use a checklist to create your own kit.

Natural and man-made disasters can disrupt the ability to access normal goods and services. Make a kit that can last your household 3-5 days. Remember to rotate out items as they get close to the expiration date. Your kit may include the following recommended items:     

Mom helps daughter build an emergency supply kit.
Teach your kids how to build an emergency kit and relieve their stress about disasters.
  • First aid kit, with a 3-5 day supply of medications. Talk to your doctor about obtaining an emergency supply.
  • Money
  • Battery-operated flashlight and radio, and extra batteries for each
  • Extra clothing and blankets (including sturdy  shoes)
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Charging cords, cables, or battery packs
  • Copies of important documents such as driver’s licenses, birth certificates, insurance policies and financial information. These can be stored on a flash drive.
  • Depending on your household, add specialty items like children’s toys, books, diapers, and formula. If you have pets include pet food, bowls, and supplies. 

Need a Checklist?

After a disaster the recovery process may be overwhelming. This checklist may provide a starting point as you work through your recovery process.

Next steps

  • Now that you’ve put your emergency supply kit together, let's learn how to be aware!

Build a kit PSA

Building a family emergency kit takes less time than you think. Print out a checklist at, start assembling your kit, and store it in a place known to all household members.