Fire is the most common of all hazards. Every year, fires cause thousands of deaths and injuries and billions of dollars in property damage.

Brick house with roof on fire and smoke covering sky
Smoke alarms that are properly installed and maintained play a vital role in reducing fire deaths and injuries. 

A fire can engulf a structure in a matter of minutes. During a fire, early warning from a working smoke alarm plus a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives. Due to modern building materials and open space configurations, the severity of home fires is increasing. It's crucial that people understand the dangers of smoke and are prepared to leave their homes immediately in the event of fire.

For additional information about fire safety, escape planning and more, visit the U.S. Fire Administration website.

What to do before, during, and after a Fire

Iowa Disaster History - Merle Hay Mall Younkers Fire of 1978

1978 Merle Hay Mall Younkers Fire




in damage

Younkers building damage following fire.
Iowa Disaster History

1978 Merle Hay Mall Younkers Fire

The original Younkers store at Merle Hay Mall was destroyed by a fire that broke out about 9:30 AM on November 5, 1978. The fire caused an estimated $20 million in damage, and ten store employees lost their lives.