An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the shifting of underground rock. Deaths and injuries occur when people fall trying to walk or run during shaking or when they are hit by falling debris. 

Pile of rocks due to earthquake damage
Iowa doesn’t have any major fault lines, but we have had at least 13 earthquakes with epicenters within our borders.

Although earthquakes in Iowa are extremely rare, the threat exists nonetheless. All Iowans should learn the basics when it comes to preparing for and protecting themselves from an earthquake.

Earthquakes themselves rarely cause death or injury. Most casualties occur when buildings collapse or by falling objects and debris. For these reasons, it is important to know where you should seek shelter when the ground begins to shake.

For more information on earthquake safety, visit the FEMA website.

For information about earthquakes in Iowa, visit the Iowa Department of Natural Resources website.

How Many Earthquakes Have Happened in Iowa?

Iowa doesn’t have any major fault lines, but we have had at least 13 earthquakes with epicenters within our borders. The largest Iowa earthquake shook Davenport in 1934, and Iowans felt the most recent quake southwest of Shenandoah in 2004. Iowa was one of only four states that did not have an earthquake between 1975 and 1995. Earthquakes aren’t common here in Iowa, but they do happen.

Iowa Outdoors magazine, September/October 2011, Iowa DNR

What to do before, during, and after an earthquake

How to talk to children about earthquakes

Explain to your child what could happen during an earthquake, using simple, age-appropriate words. Create an earthquake emergency plan for the whole family, with evacuation plan and meeting location, and let them know that their safety is your #1 priority.

Prepare with Pedro

Teaching Children About Earthquakes

Join Pedro the Penguin as he learns how to be prepared for & take action during an earthquake along with his friends Jasmine & Brandon. Video: American Red Cross.